Monday, August 3, 2009

As I go

I will be in Honduras in a week! These are my prayer requests:
That God would grant me love, wisdom, and creativity in my dealings with my students.
That there would be unity among the teachers and staff.
That love would define the relationships between me and my housemates, and everyone else with whom I come into contact.
That God would lead me to the right church, so I can have a body to which I belong in Honduras.
That God would continue to provide all my needs out of His abundance - spiritual, emotional, financial, physical (health and safety).
*That my life would be for the praise of His glory.*

Please let me know if I can add your name to the list of those committed to pray for me on a weekly basis. So far I have three names.
I could also really use however many copies anyone wants to send to Honduras of the book I listed in my last blog.
Thank you for any prayer, emotional, or financial support you're able to give. Just knowing that there are so many people interested in what I'm doing is a huge encouragement.

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.-Philippians 4:19

1 comment:

  1. Wahooo!! You're almost back! Give the puppy a big hug from me!
