Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dad's visit

My dad finally came to visit me in Honduras. It's supposed to be cold and rainy by the end of October, but that was the time that worked out best for his visit. So I had been doing a lot of praying that God would give us decent weather for the trip so we could do everything we had planned. It had gotten cold, but a few days before my dad got here, the weather started to get warmer. It was nice the whole time he was here, and the day he left was miserably cold and rainy - God held off the bad weather just long enough.

When he first got here, he helped me grade exams, go grocery shopping, went to church with me, etc. Then on my vacation days, we went to a park a little more than an hour from where I live, where we went zip lining over a waterfall. Then we explored the area under the waterfall, including a small cave, with a guide who held our hands and guided our feet when we couldn't open our eyes due to the water pounding down on top of us.

We spent the night at a rustic hotel on the lake - not the nicest place, but the view was pretty. The next day, we drove up to another park. The roads were terrible, and the only reason I knew we'd be able to make it was because I had made the same trip in the same rented car with my mom six months earlier. There we went hiking, saw some more beautiful views, including a smaller waterfall, and had lunch at the restaurant there.

On our way home, we stopped to tour some caves. The next day, my dad watched/helped me teach, and he went home the following day. It's wonderful to be able to share what has been my life for the past two and a half years with family.

To see more pictures of my dad's trip, click here.

As far as updates on my school, the missing teacher was found. All that the embassy will tell us is that he is fine and that he left the country voluntarily.

"For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." ~Romans 1:20

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