Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Political chaos

Ex-President Manuel Zelaya, who was removed from office after having broken many laws, left the country in great debt, and tried to make himself dictator, returned to Honduras on Monday and has been staying in the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa, the capital. A national curfew was imposed at 4:00 pm Monday and keeps being extended so that no one can go out at any time of day and schools had to be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday. To use a comparison made by some coworkers, it's like a snow day, minus the snow, plus an ex-president. Hundreds of people have been arrested in the major cities for defying the curfew, and others have been imprisoned for what has been called violence, vandalism, and terrorist activities. The jails have run out of room, and they have started to use stadiums. I heard on the news that even children and the elderly have been arrested. Zelaya has many supporters who have carried out violent demonstrations in the capital in his favor. He says he wants peace, but he had to know that his presence would only bring chaos. He, along with Hillary Clinton and many other authorities, are asking for a peaceful what end? The Organization of American States is demanding his reinstatement as president. Micheletti, the interim president until November elections, insists that Zelaya is either to leave the country or be brought to trial for his crimes.

We are fine in Siguatepeque. There are no demonstrations here - the only evidence of the situation is the curfew. I haven't left the house since Monday, but a Honduran friend walked seven blocks to get to the teachers' house and told us that many people are out, and there are even some stores open. He claims that whether the country is faced with disaster from a hurricane, an earthquake, or war, Siguatepeque is always peaceful. The day things turn scary in Siguatepeque is the day we know we have a serious problem on our hands.

I am thankful to have had this time to rest and catch up with my work, but I also realize the implications of this situation and know some people in Tegucigalpa who are very scared. Please pray for God's peace in this situation and in the hearts of the people. Pray for Him to raise up godly men and women to facilitate a smooth transition into the next presidency and unity among Hondurans.

The nations exhaust themselves for nothing. For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea... The LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him. -Habakkuk 2:13-14,20

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