Saturday, November 28, 2009


Though Honduras is a violent country, Siguatepeque has always been peaceful as far as cities go, and I don't think the crime rate is higher than that in any given U.S. city. But lately, with the unrest in Honduras, I've been hearing more and more stories of crime. This time it happened to a friend - my 5th-grade assistant, Ana. A few hours ago, some men went into her apartment, looking for a drug dealer. When they realized it was the wrong house, they took her money and cell phone and tied her feet. They put a gun to her head and asked if she wanted to die. She said no, and they left her. She's very shook up but thankfully unharmed. Please pray for her and the rest of us in Honduras, for peace and safety. In anticipation of the responses to this post, I'll say that I don't think the situation is bad enough for me to leave the country. I wasn't called to be safe and comfortable - I got past that desire a long time ago. I'm safer in the place to which God has called me than in the safest city in the world.
The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. -Psalm 34:7

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