Checks can be written out to me and sent to my mom:
Debra Marino
129 S Edgewood Rd
Niantic, CT 06357
School supplies can be mailed to me:
Rapid Transport
2154 NW Court
Miami, FL 33142
(305) 631-0686 (in case of questions)
Attach an envelope to the outside of the box with clear tape, or put it inside the box. On the envelope, write "Forwarding Instructions". Inside the envelope, write:
Emily Marino
Escuela Bilingue de Siguatepeque
Escuela Bilingue de Siguatepeque
Siguatepeque, Honduras
This is the fastest way to get packages to me - it takes about a week to get to Florida, then two weeks to get from Florida to Honduras. Keep in mind that I pay a fee per pound the package weighs. If you're going to send me anything, please let me know ahead of time. What I need now are children's books, newspapers, and magazines (reading levels 4-6).
Most of all, I am still in need of people who will covenant to pray for me on a regular basis. Send me an email if I can add your name to the list. I'm so excited for this year, and I need it to be bathed in prayer. Thank you for all the support you've given me already!